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To the Editor: Is Otsego trying to get around wishes of taxpayers?

Regarding the Sentinel-Tribune Saturday article about the Otsego School board meeting to discuss leasing ...

To the Editor: EMS and firefighters are appreciated

The week of May 18th-May 22nd was the EMS Appreciation Week. The staff...

To the Editor: BG resident voices concerns about proposed ‘group home’

A few days ago, residents of Rosalind Drive and nearby Donbar and Knollwood drives in Bowling Green were ...

To the Editor: Strickland should re-think his longer school year idea

Did you know that Gov. Strickland thinks we don't go to school for long enough? He wants us to go to ...

To the Editor: Why don’t police wear reflective jackets?

Public works employees wear them, school safety patrols wear them, construction workers, highway workers, ...

To the Editor: BGSU’s dining services plan criticized

I am disappointed to see that BGSU has chosen to spend more money on Dining Services while they are in a ...

To the Editor: Movie critic’s reviews criticized

This is the second or third time that the movie critic in your paper has given a great movie a bad review ...