Walbridge to add ADA-compliant playground

The current playground equipment at Railway Park in Walbridge will be replaced next with with new pieces that are handicap accessible

WALBRIDGE – Railway Park will be getting new playground equipment which is ADA complaint.

Village council has approved a contract with GameTime valued at $360,202 to install the equipment, which will include swings, a solo spinner, smaller pieces and a zip line.

All pieces and the mulch laid down will be ADA compliant, according to Mayor Ed Kolanko.

“It’s going to be welcoming to everybody,” he said.

The park will have separate locations for equipment for ages 2-5 and for kids aged 5-12.

GameTime will remove the current playground structures, Kolanko said.

“It’s going to be a significant upgrade for our park.”

All but $60,000 of the expense has come from the state and grants, Kolanko said.

The equipment will be purchased this year and installed next spring, he said.

At its Oct. 16 meeting, council approved moving the 32-foot zip line, obtained through a Wood County Parks District grant, from Loop Park to Railway Park.

At that meeting:

• Kolanko swore in Nina Kolcorse and Austin Sabo as part-time police officers.

• Council member Caryl Stone announced the next block watch meeting will be Nov. 12 at 6:30 p.m. in the Walbridge Library. Police personnel will present holiday safety tips.

• Council declared 113 Breckman St. a nuisance in order to legally enter the property to clean out the vehicles and debris in the backyard.

“It’s not something we take lightly but something we have to do,” Kolanko said.