ADAMHS Board levy will provide vital services

To the editor,

We are writing to express our strong support for the Wood County ADAMHS Board levy and to encourage fellow residents to vote in favor of this crucial measure.

The Wood County ADAMHS Board programs support individuals and families in crisis, offering them a lifeline when they need it most. From emergency services to long-term counseling and support groups, the ADAMHS Board’s services touch countless lives, helping our community members navigate their challenges with dignity and hope.

The importance of mental health and addiction services cannot be overstated. The ADAMHS Board has been at the forefront of addressing these needs, but continued funding is vital to ensure that their programs remain effective and accessible.

Supporting this levy is not just about supporting an organization; it’s about investing in our friends, family, and neighbors who benefit from these services. It’s about making sure that help is available for those who are struggling and ensuring that our community can continue to thrive together.

We urge all Wood County residents to vote in favor of the ADAMHS Board levy. By doing so, we can ensure that the vital services provided by the ADAMHS Board continue to make a positive impact and that our community remains a place where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

Lee McLaird, president, League of Women Voters of Bowling Green

Lindsay Jo Durham, chair, League of Women Voters of Bowling Green Mental Health Committee