Sherrod Brown has done nothing to secure the border

To the editor

I’m seeing Senator Sherrod Brown bragging about how much he has done to help Wood County deal with fentanyl. The irony is this same Sherrod Brown has done nothing to secure the border where the fentanyl is coming from. He has actually opposed any attempt to secure the border.

As an immigrant from a formerly socialist country, I’m horrified at what is happening to this country, especially to the poorest black Americans who are being displaced from decent jobs at higher wages according to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights which warned of this back in 2008. The problem is much worse now.

Defenders of this administration claim the fentanyl mostly comes through official checkpoints. How can that be when we have millions of “got-aways” no one can account for? A drug smuggler would have to be pretty stupid to bring fentanyl through an official border checkpoint.

God help America if this continues.

Mario Goveia
