Perrysburg Twp. buys used dump truck, saving thousands


LIME CITY – Perrysburg Township Trustees have agreed to purchase a used dump truck for a fraction of the cost of a new one.

At their Sept. 4 meeting, trustees approved the purchase of a 2011 International 7400 dump truck from Bronson Township, Norwalk, for $58,000.

“To me, this is a no brainer,” said Trustee Gary Britten. “If we get 10 years out of it, we’re way ahead.”

A new dump truck costs around $250,000, said Marvin Conner, road superintendent.

Trustee Bob Mack said while he was not supportive of the purchase, he was tolerant.

He pointed out the truck had been for sale for quite some time and thought a range of $40,000-$45,000 was a better price.

Conner said he thoroughly looked over the truck. Bronson Township has 20 miles of road and uses one dump truck load of salt a year, he said.

“Normally, I don’t think we’d buy a used dump truck,” he said, but even at 10 years it is newer that the two dump trucks the township already have.

Administrator Jon Eckel said he supported the purchase.

Also at the meeting, trustees:

• Learned August was the second busiest month on record for the fire and EMS departments with 222 runs.

• Learned there will be a retirement party for long-time firefighter Troy Bernhard on Oct. 1. He retired on Aug. 17 due to occupational cancer after serving for 28 years.

• Were told by fire Chief Tom Brice that Capt. Mike Hampton would receive a Transportation Security Administration – TSA Ohio Field Office’s Patriot Award from Rep. Haraz Ghanbari. The award, started after 9/11, is intended to recognize those who have committed their lives to service and public good.

Hampton has been with the department around 15 years, Brice said.

“He excels at what he does, as a leader, a paramedic and a firefighter,” he said. “He does a lot of education and has done a lot for the department over the years.”

• Agreed to post surplus items for sale, including a flat bottom boat with trailer, an 18-foot Zodiac with Mercury engine and trailer, and a 1997 Scott fire safety trailer.

• Approved payment of $10,445 to Vance’s Law Enforcement, Columbus, for ammunition for three new members of the police department.

• Approved a resolution to have Toledo Edison install a 90-watt LED street light and pole at the corner of Ohio 20 and Glenwood Road for $3,508.

• Heard a second presentation by Katherine Clark, Bowling Green, asking for trustees’ support for the Convention of States.

She had explained the convention process at the Aug. 7 meeting.

Clark is the Convention of States district captain.

Mack said he has studied the idea and “I’m in favor of everything they stand for.”

He added he was not sure it was the trustees’ role at the local level to intervene with state government.

“I know this is outside of what you do but it is not outside you … as elected officials,” Clark said.

When legislators see other elective officials support this, they take notice, she said.

Trustee Joe Schaller said he didn’t see trustees having a huge influence, but he wanted to support the cause.

Britten said he didn’t know enough about the Convention of States to support it or denounce it.

The purpose of the Convention of States is making suggestions to limit the power of government, limit terms in office and limit spending.

Clark said 19 of the necessary 34 states have shown support. Ohio is not one of them.

Mack said trustees will continue to deliberate on whether or not to show official support.

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