Perrysburg schools need to show accountability


To the editor,

Schools need better management not more Tax money!

Anytime I offer a solution, the people who Love levies never enough ignore the heart of the cost problem – wages and benefits of all District employees and the protect the incompetent – Tenure not competence.

My first solution is a voluntary percentage of wage cut-backs on all wages. The other is a systematic re-posting of all the positions to get the best talent at the least cost. This would include all the administration positions.

Perrysburg is a desireable place to work and live. Neither of these suggestions would impact student results or mean smaller size classes.

Contracts can be five to eight years commitment to Perrysburg School District based upon performance. Businesses that are failing cannot keep going to the bank to borrow more money should they not be productings the results. The United States Educational system keeps falling in ranking with other country educational rankings. The taxes paid per student is much higher in Toledo School district but lower results by far than Perrysburg. Over 80 percent of your property taxes for the school district are wages / benefits per their annual budget.

When any business is struggling they reduce their highest business expenditure to balance their budget. Cutting wages across the board does not change service. The self entitlement greedy people could care less about our local economy and most important the older generation faced with fixed income and harder to keep their home. Taxpayers like me who never missed a tax payment for 45 years to maintain the Perrysburg District 80% property tax wages.

In addition their constant hiring of questionable new positions like a second superintendent.

We now have voted NO to their last two levies with a little more lipstick on their pig. They cry about not getting enough State tax money which once again is our money. Please show us some form of accountability by doing an indept study of where you can cut the fat and show us lean management and innovation NOT the “ME TOO’ management of other Districts. Try thinking outside the Sky Box at the Commodore using a clean sweep broom. Sell the Commodore as you never plan to use based on the original intent! The Board and Administration Biden-nomics is not working!

Phil Caron


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