Joe Average: Freedom and liberty for all


The reason for writing this is, I feel the need to express my beliefs to any and all who don’t believe. And to those who seem to want to deny others their beliefs, opinions and any expressions of beliefs in God.

The U S Constitution gives us the freedom of speech, to worship as we believe as well as other freedoms and rights. “Shall not be infringed” is the key element of this. What we have seen and experienced lately is the government and some special interest groups criticizing people who express opinions (political) and a belief in God, trying to prevent expressions of faith and ideas they don’t like.

Our society has developed an attitude that our physical and mental health are the most important parts of our lives. Look around our communities, there are numerous places to strengthen our bodies. To get in shape or stay in shape. Ads on TV and in magazines promote diet and exercise. Political views and issues are promoted as well.

Let me start by stating I am not a Biblical scholar or a theologian. I am an average man, who believes in God. I am married – (very happily 45 years) – with two adult children and five grandchildren. I have always believed, and go to church almost every Sunday. I am also a sinner, but then aren’t we all? Regardless of our personal opinions and beliefs we all have the same rights and these must be respected, not infringed upon. Some readers may not believe in my God. They may have another God or possibly no God. That is the beauty of freedom, to worship as one believes or not to worship at all.

I sincerely believe in our nation and in our creator. That our creator gave us the principles our Founding Fathers used in writing the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The key here is Freedom and Liberty. Do what you believe in, without harming others. Being open to criticism is really part of the freedom. Differences of opinion and beliefs are expected in a free society. Honest discussions should be part of this.

What we have experienced lately is protests and demonstrations against the political and faithful beliefs. Certainly no respect is shown for another opinion and belief. Freedom and liberty, the foundation of our nation, is being challenged and attacked. Our Founding Fathers were faithful believers and wrote the basis for our nation based on their beliefs. Yet today those beliefs are too often ignored. We are more concerned with how we look and less on how we follow our beliefs. Some of us are more concerned with telling everyone else they are wrong and should follow a different path, their path.

So much for individual freedom.

While we strengthen our bodies, are we weakening our faith beliefs? Shouldn’t they go hand in hand? Our nation was built on strong bodies and strong faith.

Freedom and liberty go hand in hand as well. We are losing both with the attitudes we see today. It is time to work on both. With strong bodies and strong faith, as our forefathers had, and built our nation to a world power. With Freedom and liberty for all.

Herb Dettmer is a retired Bowling Green resident, U.S. Army veteran and writes this column representing the viewpoint of “Joe Average” citizen. He is freelance writer and author of “Others,” a devotional book. Call or text “Joe” with comments at 419-494-4641.

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