2 Wood County men indicted for sex crimes against children

Two Wood County men have been indicted for sex crimes against children.

Alex C. McMonigal, 39, of Wayne, was indicted for three counts of rape, all first-degree felonies.

On or about Dec. 8-10, 2022; Sept. 10, 2023; and Oct. 2-31, 2023, he allegedly compelled a 13 year old to submit to sexual conduct by force or threat of force.

Logan Scott Karamol, 21, Perrysburg, was indicted for seven counts of pandering obscenity involving a minor or impaired person, all fourth-degree felonies; and possessing criminal tools, a fifth-degree felony.

Seven times on Jan. 27, 2023, he allegedly bought or possessed obscene material that had a minor as one of its participants.

If found guilty, he may have to forfeit the electronic equipment he used in the alleged offense.