Rossford councilman arrested for OVI gives apology


ROSSFORD — The Rossford city councilman who was the victim of a drunk driver has gotten an apology.

Councilman Christopher Heban was arrested the night of St. Patrick’s Day after police received a 911 call that he was driving erratically and struck a parked car on Santus Drive.

The owner of the house where the car was parked is Bob Toth, who also sits on Rossford council.

“Your actions are indicative of a self-serving person,” Toth said to Heban at Tuesday’s council meeting. “Your apologies are overdue yet no longer required because at this point, they’re meaningless.”

Heban struck a vehicle parked in Toth’s driveway feet from his home. He was arrested for OVI.

Toth said council needed to reestablish the trust of the city’s citizens and this situation gives the illusion Heban’s responsibilities and repercussions are inconsequential.

“The fact that I’m the one that has to say this while not a word has been uttered from the person disrespects my family, fellow council members and citizens,” Toth said.

Toth also questioned Heban’s ability to make comments or decisions on committees or council due to his “lack of good choices.”

“When I was elected to council 6.5 years ago, I made a promise … to do my best and try to move us forward,” Heban said.

“I made a mistake, the worst mistake I’ve ever made in my life,” he said about what happened on St. Patrick’s Day. “But I can look each and every one of you in the face and say that I’m taking it as a learning experience. I think it’s going to make me a better councilman, a better father, a better boyfriend and a better friend.”

He then apologized to everyone in the room. He singled out Toth and apologized to him, his wife and child.

“It is something that will never happen again. That’s a promise I can make from the bottom of my heart,” Heban said.

He was sentenced to three days in jail with a one-year driver’s license suspension.

Also at the meeting, council:

• Held a moment of silence for Joseph S. Stalma, who died May 25.

Stalma was a former basketball coach, teacher and school board member in Rossford.

“Not only was he a great coach, he was a great father, a great grandfather and just a wonderful human being,” said Mayor Neil MacKinnon III.

• Heard Administrator Allyson Murray report results of a traffic study at the intersection of Jennings Road and Lorraine Place. In the last week, the city tracked 2,351 vehicles and picked up their rate of speed on Jennings Road. Ninety percent of vehicles were driving under 25 mph, 8% were in the 26-30 mph range and only four were traveling over 36 mph.

• Gave Murray permission to apply for a NatureWorks grant for new fencing around the pickleball and basketball courts at Beech Street Park. The city will be responsible for $10,200 of the $43,000 project.

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