Mull sentenced for assault of an inmate


A former Bowling Green man has been sentenced for assaulting an inmate while incarcerated in jail.

Jeremy Mull, 37, most recently of Bryan, was transported from the jail Thursday to the courtroom of Wood County Common Pleas Judge Joel Kuhlman.

He caused serious physical harm to an inmate at the Wood County Jail on Oct. 23, 2022, and was indicted a month later for felonious assault, a second-degree felony.

Mull caused a black eye, broken orbital bone and concussion, said Wood County Chief Assistant Prosecutor Pamela Gross.

A jury deliberated for one hour on Oct. 17, 2023, before declaring a verdict of guilty.

At that time, Kuhlman said he could impose a minimum sentence of two-eight years with a maximum of 12 years due to the charge falling within Reagan Tokes Act qualifications.

“It seems this defendant’s anger and violence in escalating,” Gross said.

Mull has been classified as a repeat violent offender, which had a mandatory sentence of one to 10 years.

He had pleaded guilty in October 2022 to two counts of endangering children and one count of domestic violence. He was in jail waiting for sentencing on those charges.

Gross asked for a sentence of eight years to be served consecutive to the sentence he received for endangering children.

Defense attorney Kati Tharp asked for a sentence at the low end of the minimum guidelines, no repeat violent offender specifications and the sentence run concurrently which the sentence that was imposed for endangering children.

Her client has been in and out of prison for a significant part of his life, and she has seen a change in his attitude, Tharp said.

“He’s going to serve a significant sentence on the other case, but he has shown he can be rehabilitated,” Tharp said.

Mull said it was not his intent to cause the harm he caused.

“I don’t think you show much remorse,” Kuhlman said.

He imposed a definite minimum sentence of eight years and an indefinite sentence of 12 years.

He sentenced Mull to an additional five years for the repeat violent offender specification, to be served consecutively, which will make his minimum term 13 years and indefinite incarceration 17 years.

This sentence will run concurrently to the 12-16 years he is serving for two counts of endangering children and one count of domestic violence.

He was sentenced on those charges in December.

He beat an 8-year-old so badly in August 2021, the boy was rushed to Toledo Hospital with difficulty breathing due to the trauma to his face. These injuries caused temporary and serious disfigurement and incapacity.

He has appealed that sentence. The appeals court has not yet returned a decision.

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