Jackson shoots Knights into repeat NBC championship


CLYDE — Otsego golfer Elizabeth Jackson is the Northern Buckeye Conference Golfer of the Year after earning medalist honors at Green Hills Golf Course on Tuesday, shooting a 44-41—85.

Jackson led the Knights to a repeat NBC championship, scoring 48 points to finish ahead of second place Rossford (42). Genoa (34) was third, followed by Oak Harbor (29), Lake (27), Maumee (16), and Eastwood (14).

Jackson was medalist at all five NBC events, shooting a 41 at Hidden Hills Golf Club, a 41 at Maumee Bay State Park Golf Course, a 38 at Heatherdowns Golf Course, a 39 at Cross Winds Golf Course, and her 85 at Green Hills was one stroke better than Lake golfer Sarah Patrick, who shot 45-41—86.

Jackson averaged 40.3 strokes per nine holes, and she is joined on the first team by Lake golfer Sarah Patrick (44.6), Otsego golfer Lizzy Budge (44.6), Otsego golfer Carley Etchie (47.7), Rossford golfer Haley Hogan (50.5) and Rossford golfer Sophia Shinaver (50.1).

Second team selections are Jaden Durfey, Rossford (50.1); Ella Kosinski, Otsego (51.3); Lucy Rodriguez, Rossford (52.3); Madi Mahler, Genoa (51.7): Sophia Zunk, OH (53) and Madison Zimmerman, Genoa (53).

Honorable mention selections are Serenidy Wertz, Rossford, 53.8; Rachel Beard, Genoa (58); Sadie Huston, Genoa (61), Lesleigh Pawlowski, Rossford (57.8); Jadyn Netry, Maumee (63.1) and Lynde Hartman, Genoa (62).

At the league tournament, other Otsego scores were Etchie (46-45—91), Budge (44-48—92), Kosinski (59-48—107), Janie Lehsten (62-57—119) and Emy Wilkins (66-66—132).

Otsego shot 375 as a team, followed by Rossford (387), Genoa (407), Lake (440), Oak Harbor (452), Maumee (501) and Eastwood (511).

Rossford golfers were Hogan (46-46—92), Durfey (46-49—95), Rodriguez (51-44—95), Shinavar (51-54—105), Wertz (52-60—112), and Pawlowski (58-54—112).

Other Lake golfers were Jessie Mickens (56-55—111), Addison Schultz (67-53—120), Maddi Ankney (62-61—123), Naomi Mickens (62-63—125), and Brylee Waggoner (62-72—134).

Eastwood golfers were Mia Brown (67-55—122), Kyra Rhodes (61-65—126), Kamryn Sundermeier (64-67—131) and Whitley Lubash (71-61—132).

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