Rowland Miller is best decision for Perrysburg Schools

To the editor,

As political signs begin to pepper the lawns of Perrysburg homes, I felt compelled to write and share why I support Susan Rowland Miller for Perrysburg School Board.

I could start with all the practical reasons why Susan is a good choice. Susan has over 30 years of experience in nonprofit management. She understands what it means to be a good steward of another’s money. Susan has dedicated herself to the service of Perrysburg residents, serving on the Historic Landmarks Commission, as Chair of the Business Advisory Council, and on the Strategic Planning Committee. She’s proven, time and again, that she has the best interests of this community at heart.

Susan has been an involved Perrysburg Schools parent. She’s proudly watched her kids grow up in Perrysburg classrooms. But more than the practical reasons to support Susan– and there are too many to count– I want to talk about a personal reason I have to support Susan. I’ve known Susan for ten years, first as my direct supervisor at Maumee Valley Habitat for Humanity, and then as my mentor, and soon as my friend.

If there is one word I could choose to describe Susan, it’d be “conscientious.” Why? Because Susan is painstaking in her search for all the facts and factors that should drive an important decision.

I’ll be honest when I say that I don’t know an awful lot about Perrysburg politics, District budgets, deferred maintenance, and so on. But what I do know, first-hand, is that Susan will spend every ounce of energy she has to find the right answer and make the best decisions on behalf of this community and its students. When I talk to Susan about running for school board, she talks about strengthening the District, supporting educators and staff, and making sure that all students have an opportunity to be successful. I’ve worked alongside her, and I know that she has the people skills, professional skills, and conscientiousness to put these aspirations into action.

On one final note– I have two small kids who are just starting out in Perrysburg schools. The decisions we make today will affect their futures for years to come. I trust Susan Rowland Miller to make the best decisions for Perrysburg students, including my own. I proudly support Susan Rowland Miller for Perrysburg School Board, and I hope you will too.

Kristen Jenkinson
