Hear about hip and knee replacement


PERRYSBURG — Do you suffer from chronic hip or knee pain? As part of the Mercy Health Better Living Speaker Series Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Richard Miller will discuss the latest advancements in minimally invasive surgery that promise less pain, faster recovery, and improved mobility on Thursday at 2 p.m. at Way Public Library, 101 E. Indiana Ave.

Miller is a graduate of the University of Toledo and earned his Doctor of Osteopathy degree from the University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences in Des Moines, Iowa. He completed his residency training in orthopedic surgery at Mercy Health – St. Vincent Medical Center.

Miller spent 13 years practicing in Richmond, Indiana, and now works with the Mercy Health – Orthopedic Specialists on the campus of Mercy Health – St. Vincent Medical Center.

DMiller has an interest in trauma care as well as sports medicine. Specializing in adult reconstructive surgery and joint replacement for hip, knee, and shoulder, he provides NAVIO robotics for knee surgeries and the ASI approach for total hip replacement. Miller is also the current Program Director for Mercy Health’s Orthopedic Residency program.

This educational presentation is free and open to the public. It will take place in the Mercy Health Activity Center on the main floor of Way Library. Registration is not required. For more information about the program, visit waylibrary.info or call 419-874-3135 ext. 119.