Another Walbridge employee leaves for Lake Twp.

MILLBURY — Another Walbridge employee is coming to work for Lake Township.

At Wednesday’s meeting, the trustees hired Brent Boulerisse as the new township buildings and grounds supervisor for $24.27 an hour, effective Aug. 15.

Boulerisse has had a similar position for Walbridge for several years.

“We’ve been having problems getting employees,” said Lake Township Police Chief Mark Hummer, who is also the township administrator.

“We’re lucky to get a person of this caliber for the job,” said Trustee Chairman Ken Gilsdorf.

Four years ago, the trustees hired Parks Director Ron Hanely to also run the cemetery.

Hummer said the two jobs are too much for one person.

“We’ve been discussing for a couple years the need to split back from cemetery sexton/building/grounds to two dedicated (positions), kind of the way it was,” Hummer said. “It’s no reflection on Ron at all, the job’s getting too big.”

Boulerisse will be expected to wear many hats, he said.

“We’re small, and everybody has to work in every department,” Hummer said.

Hummer said that Boulerisse approached them about a job.

“Brent dropped off a resume and expressed an interest in the position,” he said.

Last month, the trustees hired one of the village’s officers, which led to Walbridge council increasing police pay by 20% to retain and attract officers.

After the meeting, Gilsdorf, who is a former Walbridge councilman, said that Boulerisse has worked for the village for 15 years.

“He’s done a really good job,” he said. “It is what it is, I’m sorry. He did come to us.”

Gilsdorf said that the township’s three parks have suffered in recent years. There are many dead trees and the mowing is endless, he said.

Boulerisse will also take care of the township buildings and vehicles, Gilsdorf said.

“We need maintenance,” he said, adding that they are still two workers short of a full staff.

Gilsdorf and Trustee Richard Welling said that Boulerisse’s position had just been created when he applied and they weren’t advertising for it yet.

“We were just going to start when we got the call that he was interested in the job,” Gilsdorf said.

Also at the meeting, the trustees:

• Recognized Matt Kamann, fire battalion chief, for 23 years of service. Kamann retired from the township last month.

• Renewed the insurance policy with Hylant Administrative Services Inc. for $84,252. Hylant representative Laurie Manning said 5% has been added to all property values due to inflation.

• Authorized $15,000 to be used for asphalt repairs. The asphalt will be purchased from Bowers Asphalt and Paving Inc., Walbridge. Hummer said this is a budgeted expense.

• Voted to pay $5,745 to Wojo’s Heating and Air Conditioning Inc., Northwood, for repairs to the computer room air conditioning unit.

• Decided to pay $3,269 to Brondes Ford, Maumee, for air conditioning repairs to the 2014 Medic used by the fire department.

• Approved spending $1,461 for repairs to the 2018 Dodge Charger that is used by the police department. Baumann Ford Oregon LLC will do the work.

• Voted to spend $1,230 on four new tires from Ziegler Tire, Walbridge, for the Firehawk Pursuit vehicle.