Library books $150,000 in state $

The Wood County District Public Library is getting some extra funding from the state, but it’s being accepted with skepticism.

The Ohio Department of Taxation has posted the July distribution to the state Public Library fund.

Michael Penrod, executive director of the Wood County District Public Library, said it is 7.1% above the July 2021 estimate.

In a report to the board at Monday’s meeting, Penrod said that state library share has increased to $47.3 million, up from $46.9 million in July 2021.

That means an extra $150,000 to the local library, he said.

The total state library funds to the Wood County district is $1.9 million, compared to the $1.7 million that was budgeted in July 2021.

“Whenever we’ve had unexpected revenue growth of that amount, there’s usually a correction on the horizon,” he said. “The Public Library Fund ebbs and flows with the economy.”

In 2001, the state Public Library Fund received its “high watermark” of $497 million, he said. Then there was a recession and the fund was cut and frozen to $450 million annually.

“I view it as a revenue bubble, but it is not sustainable,” Penrod said of the extra state money this year.

In a followup meeting, he said he will use the money for building improvements, such as replacing the heating plant and carpet.

“I just get a little nervous, so when we budget this next year, I will budget from a point of view of very frugal, very conservative,” Penrod said. “I’m too fiscally conservative, personally, and I know the board is. We will move forward slowly.

“If this growth happens, and it continues, that’s awesome,” he said.

Next year is also a state budget year, which is a two-year biennium process.

Penrod said the state library budget of $450 million is important, but small.

“Libraries are a very tiny drop in a big bucket,” he said, adding that the state is predicted to have a $2.5 billion surplus this year.

Also at the meeting, the board:

• Heard from Penrod that the Ohio Governor’s Imagination Library has updated its name to Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library of Ohio. The Parton library provides a free book every month to children. Penrod said that Wood County has 49% participation.

• Heard that the bookmobile is participating in summer food series with Lake and Northwood schools.

• Heard that 1,200 children have registered for the summer reading program “Oceans of Possibilities.” Recently, 350 children participated in a 1,000 Books before Kindergarten event.

• Heard that there will be no meeting in August. The September meeting will be at the Walbridge branch.

• Heard member Ellen Dalton was reappointed to the board.