Police in Walbridge get raises

WALBRIDGE — Hoping to retain and attract police officers, council has voted to hike pay 20%.

At last week’s meeting, council voted unanimously to boost police officer, sergeant, part-time officer and detective pay by 20%.

Mayor Ed Kolanko said he has been working with police Chief Kenneth Campbell on the new rates.

“We feel this is a more attractive compensation model for the village …. to retain and attract employees,” he said after the meeting.

The new pay rates are:

Police officer, step 1, 1-6 months, $19.75 an hour

Police officer, step 2, 6-18 months, $21.74 an hour

Police officer, step 3, 18 months-plus, $24.12 an hour

Sergeant, step 1, 1-18 months, $24.25 an hour

Sergeant, step 2, 18 months-plus, $26 an hour

Part-time police, new hire, $19.25 an hour

Part-time police, one year from date of hire, $24.05 an hour

Detective, part-time police, new hire $15.92 an hour

Detective, part-time police, one year from date of hire, $17.20 an hour

The action follows the loss of a full-time officer, who left for a position in Lake Township. Another officer had also planned on leaving for Lake, but changed his mind and is staying in the village — and now getting a raise.

“Our staffing is adequate,” Kolanko said. “We would still like to potentially hire a couple more part-time staff.”

The pay increases are going to strain the annual police budget, which is $450,000, by 3-5%, he said.

The strategy to offset the budget hit will be to have fewer full-time officers and more part-time employees, Kolanko said.

Walbridge has five full-time officers, including the chief, and five part-time officers.

Council also approved hiring Charles “Chuck” Broshious as a part-time police officer at step 2.

Broshious is the Bradner police chief, which is a part-time position, Kolanko said.

He said has talked to the Bradner mayor about hiring him.

“She was appreciative of that (the conversation) and him coming to work part time in the village,” he said. “He’s not leaving Bradner.”

Council also approved moving Nicholas Emch, step 1 level, from auxiliary to part-time officer.

In other business, council approved Kolanko’s recommendation to change the zoning board of appeal from five members to three.

“It’s a struggle to get volunteers. It’s a struggle to get five. It’s a struggle to get three,” he said.

Joel Mass and Jon Hockenberry were moved from the zoning board to the planning board.

Julie Hummel was appointed to the planning board.

Bob Kiss was removed from the planning board due to non-residency.

Councilwoman LaDenna Johnston was absent and excused.

Also at the meeting, council:

• Awarded the Main Street improvement project to the Shelley Company for $292,519. It was the only company that submitted a bid, Kolanko said.

“Our engineer looked at the bid and it was a good bid,” he said. “This sounds crazy, but I’m happy we got one.”

• Heard that the business Professional Transportation Inc. has left the village, but a new company has been recruited by Village Administrator Mike Adkins to use that office space, Kolanko said. The transportation company Halcyon will rent from the village for $700 per month, with a one-year lease.

“Which is pretty much in line with what PTI was paying,” Kolanko said.

Council unanimously voted to approve the agreement.

• Approved changing the tree lighting from Dec. 4 to Dec. 1, a Thursday, to accommodate the same Santa who usually visits the village.

• Heard that Aug. 12-13 are garage sale days in the village.

• Heard that Kolanko has contacted the village’s CSX representative about the “rough” status of Union Street crossing, after receiving complaints.

• Approved allowing the Ovarian Cancer Society to decorate the village with teal ribbons for awareness.