Take a field trip, climb the quarry with county parks


Register for Wood County Park District programs at wcparks.org, 419-353-1897. Find and register for volunteering opportunities at wcparks.galaxydigital.com.

Go on a Friends’ Migration Field Trip Saturday from 9 a.m.-noon at Cedar Creeks Preserve, 4575 Walbridge Road, Northwood. Join the Friends of the Parks on a tour in search of migrating songbirds. We’ll be traveling to Cedar Creeks Preserve and Sawyer Quarry Nature Preserve before concluding the trip at W.W. Knight Nature Preserve.

A Rock Climbing Workshop will be held Saturday from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at Sawyer Quarry Nature Preserve, 26940 Lime City Road, Perrysburg. Want to get into outdoor rock climbing? This 6-hour workshop takes anyone interested in learning how to climb through various aspects of the sport. From footwork, body movement and balance, bouldering, rappelling, anchor building, belaying and top-rope climbing, you’ll have a grip on rock climbing when the day is done! —- All equipment is provided by the Wood County Parks. Personal gear welcome, but must be checked by program leaders to verify appropriateness. Must be 14 years of age and up.

Vegetable Planting is Sunday from 1-3 p.m. at Carter Historic Farm, 18331 Carter Road. Help plant vegetables in the front garden. If the weather’s just right, they may even plant potatoes in the back garden using a 1930s potato planter!

Go on a Full Flower Moon Walk Sunday from 8:30-10 p.m. at Cedar Creeks Preserve. Enjoy a gentle stroll under the Full Flower moon as we learn moon lore and look and listen for nocturnal wildlife. No dogs permitted.

Blue Week Intro to Nature Photography is set for Tuesday from 5:30-8 p.m. at Bradner Preserve, 11491 Fostoria Road. Interested in capturing the wonders of the outdoors in photographs, but unsure of how to use those camera settings to your advantage? Bring a camera and practice honing skills. Program will begin with an indoor presentation followed by a practical hands-on session to help hone your skills. This program is a part of the Green Ribbon Initiative’s Oak Openings Blue Week Celebration, of which the Wood County Park District is a proud supporter.

Tomatoes! will be held May 18 from 6-7:30 p.m. at Carter Historic Farm. Do your tomatoes topple over every year? Are you tired of losing fruit to insects and disease? Learn some tips, tricks and what you need to know to successfully grow tomatoes. Learn different methods for training and staking, how to remove suckers, scout, manage and prevent insect pests sustainably. Registration required.

Monthly Mindfulness is set for May 21 from 9:30-11 a.m. at Bradner Preserve. Give yourself permission to get away to reconnect and relax. Join naturalist and meditation teacher Emma Taylor for a monthly nature-based mindfulness session at a local Wood County Park. Classes will consist of a combination of seated and walking mindfulness practices and nature awareness activities. This class is appropriate for teens and adults. Registration required.

Hiking for Health will be held May 27 from 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at W.W. Knight Nature Preserve, 29530 White Road, Perrysburg. Join a naturalist for exercise and the wonder of watching the seasonal changes. The hikes will offer a true mind-body connection. Sign up for one week or all.

Learn Nature Journaling on May 28 from 1-3 p.m. at Otsego Park, 20000 W. River Road. Stop by for a monthly nature journaling gathering. Join local Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalists and build your nature journaling skills. The group will discuss their personal nature journaling, share techniques and spend time outside. All are welcome. The group will meet at a different park for each meeting to get to know the many locations Wood County has to offer. Contact program naturalist Emma Taylor [email protected] or 419-266-5576 with questions.

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