Put pro-life talk into action, to help moms

To the Editor:

My prayer today is that all the people who are against abortion will take a woman who had wanted one and help her raise that child. Make sure the child is cared for and loved. I always hear people say they are against abortions, but I never hear them say that as an individual they will help that person through their pregnancy, and until the child is on its own.

It looks like it will soon be time to have orphanages again where a child can be placed and cared for. I knew some wonderful people who grew up in an orphanage and they were great workers, friends and promoted their communities. My late mother-in-law was a mother to a cottage of boys at the Maumee Children’s Home. She made them delicious meals, outfits for Halloween and treated them like her own.

A solution is not just giving things to an organization to help the new mothers, it is being by their side for many new mothers know not what to do.

Talk is given freely, and laws are made many times without thinking them completely through with a solution for the end result.

Betty Marlow Miller Dibert
