Autocracies are shaming democracies

To the Editor:

I’m not sure how our beloved, three-branched, founding-fathered representative democracy and Constitution will survive the onslaught of today’s autocracies.

Could it be that the noble ideas that worked for Adams, Jefferson and Franklin, and for centuries since, don’t work today? In this day of world events that happen at the speed of light? In this day when decisive and wise immediate action by the government is required?

Not sure how a U.S. government that is crippled by a slow-moving, forever-deliberating, argumentative, partisan, gridlocked Congress can deal decisively with the efficient, single-party, never-gridlocked, brutal governments of communist Russia and communist China.

The powerful autocracies are winning the minds, if not the hearts, of the planet.

Do parts of the Constitution need to be reinterpreted? How do we address the crippling Congressional gridlock? Should we adopt efficient autocracy policies that work, and that are in line with our values?

Sally Medbourn Mott

Bowling Green