Support Trump, Republicans — it could not be worse

To the Editor:

Responding to W.E. Feeman’s letter (Support Biden, Democrats – It could be worse, March 16), I’m curious — what planet you are living on?

Do you not know that inflation is at a 40-year high? Under Trump our economy was thriving. Biden is begging our enemies for oil and gas. Under Trump America was energy independent. Thousands of jobs have been lost due to Biden shutting the keystone pipelines and stopping oil drilling.

Do you not know that under Biden 2 million plus illegal immigrants – drug cartel members, sex traffickers, convicted felons, known terrorists – have crossed our southern border? They are then transported under cover of night, without notification, to communities that must then bear the cost of feeding, housing, educating and providing medical care?

Under Biden, crime is at an all-time record high — not so under Trump. Under Biden our FBI now categorizes concerned and loving parents as “domestic terrorists,” while those arrested in our bigger cities for major crimes are let out of jail, only to recommit more.

Do you not know that there is a supply shortage with shipping containers full of needed items on boats that cannot unload – that never happened under Trump. Kindergarten children are taught about sex, gender and the LGBT agenda under Biden; this extremely age-inappropriate for those innocent little minds.

Do you not know that it is not within Biden’s legal authority to mandate a coronavirus vaccine for every American? Due to his illegal mandate, our military is not prepared to defend us because many servicemen/women have been separated from duty because they submitted legal requests for religious exemptions, 99% which have illegally been denied.

Do you not know that there are currently more lawsuits filed against Biden’s administration (by governors, attorneys general, servicemen, teachers, etc.) than any other administration in history?

Because of Biden’s weak leadership, Russia invaded Ukraine – this did not happen under Trump. Are you the only person who doesn’t know that Biden has dementia or Alzheimer’s?

To quote you, Mr. Feeman: “Voters should remember this the next two elections.”

You must vote Republican up and down the ballot.

What’s the name of that planet again? “Democrats will tell you how bad Trump was.” Really?

Barbara Brunner

Bowling Green