In spite of our problems, spring is here to enjoy

Spring has sprung at last.

The weather affects all of us — people, plants, pets and trees.

Weather is nature at its best and sometimes at its worst. We can’t control it, we just have to live with it. Enjoy it or prepare to endure it. Weather is a fact of life, just as much as gravity is a fact of life. We are all affected by it and can not do anything to alter it, much less control it.

Spring is here, along with the winter clean up of our homes and yards. Patio furniture is pulled out of storage. Spring cleaning is an annual chore, but it makes the coming summer much more enjoyable. It’s work — hard work — but the result is always beneficial, and healthier

Any hard work is beneficial in the long run. We can complain about it, just as some people complain and protest about many things. Protesting about the weather will do us no good, it won’t change it, just as protesting won’t change the subject of the protest.

Spring is a time for renewal, as nature stirs from its long winter nap, the grass turns green and grows, as do the weeds. Flowers start to bloom, birds sing, squirrels frolic and the cold of winter may not be forgotten, but is put to rest.

This is a time for renewal, physical as well as spiritual. Palm Sunday and Easter gives Christians a lift, remembering the sacrifice and then the Resurrection. I find it very fitting that Easter comes in the spring. This is a time for knowing what our Faith really means.

The coronavirus pandemic is all but over, but now we are concerned about the war in Ukraine, the increase in crime and inflation. At least we have the nicer weather to look forward to, along with picnics, barbecues, vacations, long walks, a day at the beach or pool and many things we can’t do in the cold months. Spring is here.

In spite of the problems our nation and the world are facing, we made it through another winter. Let’s be positive, think positive thoughts and enjoy the warm sunny days ahead.

Herb Dettmer is a retired Bowling Green resident, U.S. Army veteran and writes this column representing the viewpoint of “Joe Average” citizen. He is freelance writer and author of “Others,” a devotional book. Call or text “Joe” with comments at 419-494-4641.