Trump was wrong: Putin’s no genius

To the Editor:

Vladimir Putin is not a genius.

This is what our ex-president Donald Trump called Putin — a genius and very smart. Putin is really isolated and morally dead. I compare him to Joseph Stalin, the brutal Soviet dictator whose image Putin worked to rehabilitate.

Putin has failed to show a reason for invading Ukraine, a nation that does share many cultural and historical ties with Russia. Failing to seize the Ukrainian capital would be a big defeat. Russian military has the advantage of size but suffers from poor leadership and very low morale.

This war will end in an outright defeat for Russia. There will be so many lives taken for an evil man who is a power-driven dictator. This will be the collapse of Putin’s regime.

His incompetence shows he is not the genius and smart leader that Trump said he was. How can any voter support this ex-president when he supports this killer? Vote Democrat.

Joann Schiavone
