Library holds holiday cookie bake-off

The Wood County District Public Library, 251 N. Main St., invites home cooks and baking enthusiasts to
bring their best recipes to the library for the 5th Annual Holiday Cookie Bake-Off.
"Last year we broke records in attendance and this year we are very excited to see what goodies are
brought to the library," said Michele Raine, assistant library director.
Bakers of all ages compete and the winning cookie is determined by popular vote, with prizes offered for
first-place and second-place cookies. After all the cookies have been tasted and the votes counted, Mrs.
Claus will award the prizes.
"Even if you don’t like to bake, we need tasters at the event as well," Raine said. Each
attendee will get five tickets for voting for their favorite cookie.
The event takes place in the library’s atrium on Dec. 16 at 7 p.m. and there is no cost to taste the
cookies or to enter the competition.
The 2018 winning cookie was the Chocolate Covered Cherry Cookie baked by Sherry Potocnak. Previous
winning bakers are Char Rehklau, Isabella Nardone, Janet Griffiths, and Jennie Whiteside.
To participate, bring at least two dozen cookies to the library.
"Some of the bakers have run out of cookies, so we feel like having at least 2 dozen is pretty
important," Raine said.
If the cookies are large, bakers can cut the cookies into smaller bites so they don’t run out of cookies
before the tasting ends. Bakers can bring more than one recipe, but should have at least 2 dozen of each
cookie for the tasters.
The cookie bake-off also features live music from students in Vicki Hoehner’s piano studio.
For more information about the Holiday Cookie Bake-Off, call the Wood County District Public Library’s
Adult Services department at 419-352-5050.