Survey says most Rossford parents want hybrid approach


ROSSFORD – The board of education met for an online working session Monday to hear results of a parent
survey as well as options for reopening for the 2020-21 school year.
Superintendent Dan Creps said 1,026 parents responded to a six-question survey. The survey was sent out
via the school’s instant alert system to all parents in their database.
A majority of parents, at 61.7%, favored a hybrid approach to attendance in which the student population
is split and would attend in person only two days per week, with the balance done online.
The vote for full-time attendance at school was nearly split, with 50.1% of parents favoring full time
attendance at school.
Parents agreed by 77.1% that the children wear a mask to school. However, only 63% said they would have
their children ride the bus if masks were required. Only 41.8% of parents favored children of different
families sharing seats on the bus.
Before outlining the three options for school attendance, Creps said there were various related risks.

He said the lowest risk would involve students and teachers engaging in virtual-only classes, activities
and events.
More risk would be associated to small, in-person classes, activities and events. Groups of students
would stay together and with the same teacher . Groups would not mix, with students remaining at least 6
feet apart and not sharing objects.
The highest risk would be full-sized, in-person classes, activities, and events. In this instance,
students would not be spaced apart, would share classroom materials or supplies, and mix between classes
and activities.
The three options the board will have to choose from are:
– Option 1, which would have all students on campus five days a week.
– Option 2, which is a hybrid, splitting the school population. The teaching staff would conduct all
remote learning on Mondays. On alternative days, half the school population would attend school in
person. For example, one group coming on Tuesdays and Thursdays and the second group on Wednesdays and
– Option 3 would involve full remote learning with the teaching staff.
“We are also looking to offer a completely online option for all students,” Creps said. “Parents who
elect to choose this option for their child will have to understand that this is a yearlong commitment.”

He added that if the parents choose the remote option, they would only be able to shift to the
traditional setting between first and second semesters. He added that students who elect to participate
in this potential 100% online option would not report to campus and would not be assigned to a
traditional class, teacher or schedule.
Creps said enrollment figures also should be considered in making a decision on what options the board
would choose. Projected enrollment data for the preschool to grade 5 population is 844 students. In
grades 6 to 12, there are 989 students enrolled; 75 of that number may attend Penta Career Center.
“We have outstanding staff and teachers. Our greatest strength and preference is for teaching and
learning to be in our classrooms,” Creps said. “We also know that the world is dealing with a pandemic
that can rapidly change our circumstances at any time.”
The complete report from the superintendent is on the Rossford School BOE webpage.
The board will meet tonight at 5:30 to further discuss options and their viability. The meeting will be
entirely online via Zoom. A link will be available at the Rossford School Board of Education web page.

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