Green family, Hobby Lobby, connected for 40 years

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Monday’s Supreme Court ruling that the
Hobby Lobby crafts store chain does not have to provide all forms of
birth control marks the first time the high court has said some
businesses can hold religious views under federal law, in cases where
there is essentially no difference between the business and its owners.
Here’s a look at Hobby Lobby’s owners, the Green family of Oklahoma
A FAMILY AFFAIR: David Green in 1972 expanded a
picture frame company started two years earlier and named the new
business Hobby Lobby. Green is the privately held company’s chief
executive officer and his son, Steve, is its president. In 1981, another
son, Mart, founded the Mardel bookstore chain, which concentrates on
religious material. Mardel also was a part of the lawsuit decided
Hobby Lobby and Mardel include mission statements on their corporate websites outlining a dedication to
Christian principles.
Lobby says it aims to honor the Lord by following biblical principles;
establish a work environment that builds character, strengthens
individuals and nurtures families and provides a return on its owner’s
investment so he can share the Lord’s blessings with its 13,000
employees. Mardel was established "for the equipping of the saints for
the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ," quoting
St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians.
No Hobby Lobby store is open on Sunday "in order to allow our employees and customers more time for
worship and family."
NATION IN DANGER: Steve Green is a driving force behind the proposed
Museum of the Bible and the Green Scholars Initiative, which intend to
place a Bible-based academic curriculum with the nation’s public
"This nation is in danger because of its ignorance of
what God has taught," Steve Green told the National Bible Association
last year. "There are lessons from the past that we can learn from, the
dangers of ignorance of this book. We need to know it, and if we don’t
know it, our future is going to be very scary."
Green, a member of
the Council Road Baptist Church in Bethany, Oklahoma, has succeeded in
convincing the Mustang, Oklahoma, school board to offer the curriculum
as an elective this fall. Course work will include how biblical
principals have influenced art and academic subjects, but a draft copy
of the textbook also details the consequences people face if they
disobey God.
family’s challenge to the Affordable Care Act centered only on certain
types of contraception. Its lawsuit said the family’s religious beliefs
"forbid them from participating in, providing access to, paying for,
training others to engage in, or otherwise supporting abortion-causing
drugs and devices."
In medical terms, pregnancy begins when a
fertilized egg attaches itself to the wall of the uterus, but
anti-abortion groups say any action taken to prevent implantation is the
equivalent of an abortion. One effect of the morning-after pill is to
chemically alter the uterine lining to prevent implantation; an
intrauterine device blocks implantation through mechanical means.
The Green family says it has no moral objection to other contraceptives.
COST OF LOSING: The Green family had argued the federal health law
required a choice between violating God’s law or the nation’s laws.
"We simply cannot abandon our religious beliefs to comply with this mandate," David Green said
in 2012.
company had calculated last summer that it would have had to pay $475
million in fines annually for failing to comply with the nation’s health
care law (a $100 fine per day for each of its 13,000 workers) or pay
$26 million to the government if it dropped its health care plan
WINNING WORDS: "Our family is overjoyed by
the Supreme Court’s decision. Today the nation’s highest court has
re-affirmed the vital importance of religious liberty as one of our
country’s founding principles. The Court’s decision is a victory, not
just for our family business, but for all who seek to live out their
faith. We are grateful to God and to those who have supported us on this
difficult journey." — Barbara Green, co-founder of Hobby Lobby.