Zoning changes supported

Wood County Planning Commission recommended a handful of rezoning requests for township approval Tuesday.

The most detailed conversation surrounded a request to change five parcels in northern Perrysburg
Township just south of Rossford from A-1 Agricultural zoning to I-2 Industrial.
Five parcels which total 94 acres were recommended to be approved, but that decision rests with the
township zoning committee. No end use has been specified for the land, and agent Brian McMahon of
Danberry National Ltd. said it would simply help in marketing the properties to prospective companies if
they were zoned industrial. He explained how other properties were passed up by developers because of
zoning, even if other aspects of the sites such as highway access were ideal.
"When the consultants for those companies came to the market, their prerequisite was: ‘We will only
look at sites that are zoned, have utilities and have good access to major arteries (highways),’"
McMahon said.
While there is some medium-density residential use nearby, it is in an employment opportunity area that
is typically made up of industrial and commercial uses, said Dave Steiner, planning commission director.

Perrysburg Township is set to consider the rezoning request at 6 p.m. April 14.
Also recommended for approval Tuesday was Perrysburg Township’s zoning initiative. About half of the
township is unzoned, and adding land-use regulation has been previously defeated by voters.
Township officials have developed a map indicating current uses and have sought to include landowners in
the process.
"We have taken great pains to designate existing uses with the proper zoning," said Township
Administrator Walt Celley.
An agenda item pulled at the last minute but initially set to be reviewed Tuesday was expansion of the
River Bend subdivision in Middleton Township. The agenda contained a long list of questions and issues
from Planning Commission staff and the county engineer’s office, but the item was removed at the request
of developers and will likely be considered in May or June.
Separately, commission members recommended:
• Freedom Township approve rezoning of about 77 acres from A-1 Agricultural to M-1 Industrial for use by
Luckey Farmers Inc., which plans to expand by constructing a grain elevator and fertilizer facilities.

• Bloom Township approve rezoning of 1.38 acres east of North Baltimore from Agricultural to Industrial
zoning, submitted at the request of a buyer of the property.
• Washington Township approve a series of eight amendments to its zoning resolution.
• The combination of two lots into one in the first plat of River Bend in Middleton Township.