Latta easily re-elected to Congress

U.S. Rep. Bob Latta (R-Bowling Green) was pleased with his own win, and looking forward to his party
having a majority in the Senate.
Latta won handily, defeating Democratic challenger Robert Fry, a pastor from Toledo, and Libertarian Eric
Eberly, a real estate agent from Bowling Green.
According to unofficial results, Latta garnered 132,448 votes, 66.5 percent, to Fry’s 57,328, 28.8
percent, and Eberly’s 9,142, 4.6 percent.
Latta hopes with a Senate majority some of the 380 bills that the GOP controlled House has passed, but
died in the Senate when the Democrats had the majority, will get approval.
Latta said the Republicans have their sights set on the Affordable Care Act. Asked if the House will
continue its push to repeal President Obama’s signature legislation, Latta said “we’re going to look at
what we can get.”
That would include repeal of a tax on medical devices, which he said was costing the country jobs, and
rewriting the legislation so people could keep insurance plans that the act disallow.
He added it was “important to keep premiums under control.”
Another long standing issue he hopes can finally be resolved is approval for the Keystone XL pipeline.
That line to bring tar sands oil from western Canada to refineries in Texas has been on hold.
Latta said he confident the Republicans can enlist enough Democratic allies to stop the measure from
being filibustered.
Also on his agenda is “cleaning up the tax code” and getting rid of “overburdensome regulations.”