Zoar organ series starts

PERRYSBURG – Musicians of Zoar Lutheran Church will present the first of three dedication recitals
featuring the new hybrid Rodgers/Ruffati Pipe organ on Sunday at 7 p.m.
The concert will feature aspects of the digital organ with chronologically chosen repertoire beginning
with the earliest medieval organs through contemporary times.
Five ranks of Ruffati pipes, made in Padua, Italy, will be installed at the end of August, making this
one of the most versatile three-manual organs in the area.
Included in the program will be Glenn Richter, recorder; Vince Krolak, trumpet; Melissa Miller and Monica
Benolkin, violin; Julie Buzzelli, harp; Maggie Bittner and Dave Brown, trombone; Maddie Dirrim, soprano;
Hank Lehrer, alto saxophone; and Kate Philabaum, organ.
Pieces range from Pachelbel, Bach and Franck to The 5th Dimension and Andrew Lloyd Webber.
The second program in the series will be Oct. 24 by Rodney Barbour of Cincinnati who will also present a
Master’s Class for local organists on Oct. 25.
The final program will be Feb. 13, featuring a silent movie.