Singles and doubles of city bowling start

The annual city bowling tournament’s doubles and singles events are underway at Al-Mar Lanes.
Bill Wammes and Scott Slater have the doubles lead in the open division. Tyler Desmond is in first in the
singles event and Nate Henschen sits on top of the all-events standings.
In the women’s division, Carrie Derr and Anita Sharpe lead the doubles, Vicky Schumacher is on top in
singles, and Kathy Kirkman has the most pins in the all-events.
Both divisions of the tournament run through Sunday with limited openings available. Call 419-352-4637 to
reserve your squad time.
Open division
Wammes rolled a 655 and Slater added a 633 for a handicap total of 1,417 total. They have an 11-point
lead over the father-son duo of Ron and Zach Steinman at 1,406. The younger Steinman led the pair with a
680, while his father added a 657. Bob Kolva and Butch Naugle teamed for a 1,401 total to sit currently
in third place.
Completing the top five are Bill Schumacher and Gene VanDeVelde at 1,384 and another father-son duo,
Chuck and Brian Close at 1,374.
Desmond had games of 237 and 259 for a 696 series and 741 with handicap to pace the singles. Zach
Steinman stands second in singles at 723. He had a high game of 277 for a 681 actual series. Dave
Friedley rolled a high game of 247 for 653 series and 722 handicap total to place third currently.
Henschen is in fourth with a 709 handicap total with his 685 series; while Ron Steinman is in fifth at
708, including his 279 game for a 681 series.
The remainder of the top 10 in order are John Wolff, 797; Wammes, 706; Yogi Wammes, 703; Marcia Wolfrod,
683; and Ray Myerholtz, 682.
In the all-events Henschen added 686 in doubles and 655 in the team event last month for 2,026 pins
actual for a 2,098 handicap total. He leads Naugle who rolled 744 in team, 702 in doubles and 696 in
singles for his 2,097 total. Ron Steinman is third at 2,079. Will Wammes, 2,066 and Friedley 2,050
complete the top five.
Women’s division
Sharpe rolled a 622 and Derr added a 603 as they rolled to the top in doubles at 1,225 total and 1,390
with handicap. Kirkman (600) and Sandy Naugle (506) are in second in the women’s doubles at 1,385. Yogi
Wammes (622) and Schumacher (524) are third at 1,332.
Schumacher had a pair of 204 games in her 586 series for a 700 handicap total to lead the women’s
singles. Tricia Green is second, just three pins off the pace at 697 with a high game of 214 in her 598.

Fourth place is Yogi Wammes at 683; with Mallory Fritz completing the top five at 674.
Pat Huling sits in third at 695.
Kirkman has the most total pins at 2,084. She added a 531 in team and 494 in singles for 1,625 in her
9-game total. Yogi Wammes is in second at 2,024 and, Sharpe is third at 1,989. Schumacher is in fourth
at 1,951.