BGSU Arts Events: 01-15-14

All events free unless noted.
Violinist Stephen Miahky, a new university faculty member will present as part of the Faculty Artist
Series recital at 8 p.m. in Bryan Recital Hall of the Moore Musical Arts Center.
The BGSU Wind Symphony will perform at 8 p.m. in Kobacker Hall of the Moore Musical Arts Center. The
concert, part of the 56th annual Band Reading Clinic at BGSU, will feature special guest conductors
Myron Welch and Richard Miles and horn faculty member Andrew Pelletier. For more information regarding
the clinic, call 419-372-2186.
As part of the 56th annual Band Reading Clinic at BGSU, the Concert Band will perform at 3 p.m. and at
4:30 p.m., the All Ohio Honors Bands will perform, both in Kobacker Hall . Special guest conductors
Myron Welch and Richard Miles will make an appearance at both concerts. For more information regarding
the clinic, call 419-372-2186.
JAN. 22
Flutist Conor Nelson will perform a Faculty Artist Series recital at 8 p.m. in Bryan Recital Hall.
JAN. 23
Master of Fine Arts students Lauren Boulton and Dorothy Breazeale will present their work in the Creative
Writing Program’s Reading Series at 7:30 p.m. at Prout Chapel.
Vocal jazz artist and composer Lauren Kinhan will perform a concert showcasing original songs from her
new recording "A Circle in a Square" at 8 p.m. in Bryan Recital Hall.
The 63rd annual Faculty/Staff Exhibition continues through Sunday in the Dorothy Uber Bryan Gallery of
the Fine Arts Center. Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday, 6- 9 p.m. Thursdays,
and 1-4 p.m. Sundays.