BGSU Arts Events: 11-14-14

Fiction writer Anne Valente, a graduate of the Creative Writing Program, will read from her work at 7:30
p.m. in the Bowen Thompson Student Union Theatre as part of  Winter Wheat: The Mid-American Review
Festival of Writing.
Collegiate Chorale will perform at 8 p.m. in the Donnell Theatre in the Wolfe Center for the Arts.
Tickets are $7 and $3 for students in advance. Visit or call 419-372-8171. Tickets are
A Cappella Choir will perform at 4 p.m. in the Donnell Theatre in the Wolfe Center for the Arts. Tickets
are $7 and $3 for students in advance. Visit or call 419-372-8171. Tickets are $10.
University Women’s Chorus will perform at 6 p.m. in the Donnell Theatre in the Wolfe Center for the Arts.
Tickets are $7 and $3 for students in advance. Visit or call 419-372-8171. Tickets are
University Men’s Chorus will perform at 8 p.m. in the Donnell Theatre in the Wolfe Center for the Arts.
Tickets are $7 and $3 for students in advance. Visit or call 419-372-8171. Tickets are
Sounds of the Stadium: Falcon Marching Band will be presented in Kobacker Hall, Moore Musical Arts
Center. Tickets are $7 and $3 for students in advance. Visit or call 419-372-8171. Tickets
are $10.
Four retired faculty members,David Cayton, Tom Hilty, Ron Jacomini and Bob Mazur, will present an ARTalk
in Donnell Theatre at 6 p.m. about their work included in DISTINGUISHED: Cayton, Hilty, Jacomini, Mazur
an exhibit in the Wankleman Gallery in the Fine Arts Center.