Summer Gallery Hops start Thursday in BG

Summer Gallery Hops sponsored by The Bowling Green Arts Council will get underway Thursday from 5 to 7
The monthly hops are also scheduled for July 3 and Aug. 7.
Participating venues are:
• Myles Baker Street Gallery, 434 E. Wooster St., will feature paintings and drawings by Randy Bennett
and Richard Gullett. Live music and refreshments will be provided.
• Becky Laabs at art-a-site!, 116 S. Main St., will preview her newest venture, “art after hours.” This
event is a p-ART-nership between art-a-site! and SamB’s Restaurant. The first painting party will be
held June 17.
• SamB’s, 163 S. Main St., hosts an ongoing show throughout the restaurant sponsored by PRIZM Creative
Community. View more than 100 pieces of art including painting, sculpture, glass, jewelry and
• Cafe Havana, 309 S. Main St., is showing landscape paintings by Beth Genson.
For more information, contact the Bowling Green Arts Council at [email protected]