Limes has been a triple-threat at Otsego HS

TONTOGANY – Brynne Limes is taking her love for volleyball with her to college this fall.
“Ever since seventh grade when I started volleyball, I just loved the sport, I loved how it worked. I
immediately fell in love with it,” she said.
Limes was a member of winning volleyball, softball and basketball teams at Otsego High School, and plans
to play volleyball at Mount Union College this fall.
She said she joined the softball and basketball teams to keep in shape.
Limes started both basketball and travel softball young “and I wanted to keep with it. It kept me well
rounded. I just made a ton of memories and I didn’t want to say no to any of the sports.”
Limes is a straight-A student, in addition to being a three-sport athlete, and has learned a lot of time
management skills. She puts in what is important and fits the little things – like hanging around with
friends and doing her 4-H projects – into her schedule.
She also found the time to help raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, help a local
food pantry, and serve on prom and homecoming committees.
“I trickle those things in around my sports and my family,” Limes said.
Despite her involvement in many activities, her education is her number one priority.
“My academics are super important to me.”
She has taken four College Credit Plus classes through Owens Community College and the University of
Toledo that she hopes will help her in the long run.
Limes picked Mount Union over a lot of campuses she visited because she loved the campus and the distance
away from home. The coaching staff was nice and there is a training facility just for athletes.
“Everything about the campus I loved. And the nursing facilities – because that’s what I’m going into –
were just unbeatable to all the schools I went to.”
She is going into nursing because she has always helped people through service projects and wants to
continue in a career doing the same.
She toured the oncology unit at a local hospital “and it got me so excited to be a nursing student.
“I just really want to help people anyway I can,” she said.
Limes thinks she wants to go into pediatrics because she loves kids but also is considering oncology or
becoming a pharmacist.
“I don’t really know but I do know I want to go into nursing.”
She has not heard from Mount Union as to the classroom plans this fall, due to coronavirus.
She was supposed to travel to Spain this summer to play volleyball on America’s All-Ohio team, but “we
don’t know if we’re going yet.”
Limes was pragmatic about missing the trip.
“I was upset but what are you going to do,” she said.
She said she stumbled onto the program while being on a recruiting webinar. The coach looked at the page
and found her skills video.
She was named Northern Buckeye Conference Player of the Year in October and was named All-Northern
Buckeye Conference first team in 2018, honorable mention in 2017 and second team in 2016.
She plays middle hitter and outside hitter.
In basketball, her Otsego team won the NBC title in 2020 and Limes was named first team NBC as well as
honorable mention for All-Ohio in the Division III.
Otsego lost in the Division II district softball semifinal last spring, and there were no games this
spring due to the pandemic.
The support for the society came after seeing people in her community affected by cancer.
“I’ve seen people being affected by it and I wanted to help.”
A fundraising competition lasted from January to March, and Limes raised around $8,000.
“I’m so glad I could help others.”
Limes also is active in student council, is president of National Honor Society, is on prom committee,
and participates with Knights Have Your Back food pantry and FFA.
She is disappointed prom was canceled; the theme was going to be Greece.
She’s a member of Prime Cut Kids 4-H Club, which is in its third year. She takes livestock through FFA
and fitness and sports projects through the club. She will show chickens and ducks if there is a fair
this year.
With not being able to return to school since March, Limes said she misses the faculty and her friends.

“After graduation, you part ways and I really miss my friends and not being able to see them.”
She is the daughter of Adam and Jonica Limes of Weston and has two younger siblings.