Get assistance in paying heating bills

With temperatures dipping below freezing, the Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program (EHEAP) at WSOS
has worked with area residents to ensure they continue to keep their homes warm.
EHEAP, which started Nov. 1, has assisted 497 households in the WSOS four-county service area with paying
their heating bills for a total of $165,629. This indicates an increase of 124 more households who have
benefitted from the program than the 373 assisted during the same time in 2012.
"We are working as fast as we can to help residents," said Brian Taylor, basic needs specialist
at WSOS. "The new PIPP is helping to keep power connected for area residents so we are working with
fewer disconnect notices."
PIPP stands for Percentage of Income Payment Plan.
The income limits this year to receive assistance through this program is 175 percent of the federal
poverty guidelines.
EHEAP provides one-time assistance to income-eligible residents to help them maintain their heating
source by paying some of their heating bills. These households receive up to $175 one time to pay
regulated utilities, $350 for wood, $450 for non-regulated utility companies and up to $750 for those
who use propane and have less than a 10-day supply left in the tank.
In November, 142 households were served in Wood County, for a total of $37,960, an average of $267 per
Residents who have shut off notices receive assistance with heating bills through EHEAP while assistance
for those who do not have shut off notices can get assistance once per heating season through regular
HEAP. Regular HEAP applications can be filed online, via mail or by scheduling an appointment with a
WSOS has applications available and can assist applicants with the forms. EHEAP operates until March 31.
Regular HEAP applications will be accepted until May 31.
Appointments are required to apply for assistance through EHEAP. To make an appointment, regardless of
which county you live in, call 1-888-441-4327.