BGSU Arts Events: 01-22-13

All events free unless noted.WEDNESDAYJazz saxophonist and composer David Bixler will perform
original compositions with the I-75 Ensemble featuring Tad Weed, piano, Jeff Halsey, bass, Roger Schupp,
drums, Olman Piedra, percussion, and Andrew Bishop, tenor saxophone at 8 p.m. in Bryan Recital Hall of the
Moore Musical Arts Center.THURSDAYThe Graduate Art Student Organization presents a lecture by Gregory Volk,
a contributing editor for Art in America and freelance curator, at 7 p.m. in 204 Fine Arts Center. FreeThe
Creative Writing Program’s Reading Series continues with a poetry reading by alumna Ann Stranahan, author of
"Window on the River" The College of Arts and Science, the Creative at 7:30 p.m. at the Prout
Chapel.FRIDAY & SATURDAYVoice performance students will perform Gilbert and Sullivan’s
"Princess Ida; or, Castle Adamant" Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. in the Marjorie E. Conrad, M.D.,
Choral Room in the Wolfe Center for the Arts.SUNDAYPianist Robert Satterlee will perform Chromatic Fantasy
and Fugue by J.S. Bach, Variations and Fugue in E Flat Major "Eroica" by Ludwig van Beethoven,
"La Cath?©drale Engloutie, "Minstrels" and "L’isle joyeuse" by Claude Debussy, and
Fantasy and Fugue on the theme B-A-C-H by Franz Liszt at 3 p.m. in Bryan Recital Hall of the Moore Musical
Arts Center.JAN. 29Oboe and bassoon students from the studios of Lynne Mangan and Susan Nelson will perform
at the Manor House in the Wildwood Metropark of Toledo at 7:30 p.m.Tuesdays at the Gish opens at 7:30 p.m.
in Gish Film Theater in Hanna Hall its spring season with the NextFrame Film Festival, featuring
award-winning movies by international student filmmakers on a yearlong tour.Jazz Lab Band 1, directed by
David Bixler, will perform with guest saxophonist Don Braden at 8 p.m. in Kobacker Hall of the Moore Musical
Arts Center.