Film series remembers ‘Forgotten Clown’

The Gish Film Theater’s Sunday Matinees remembers "The Forgotten Clown: Harry Langdon"
Sunday at 3 p.m. in the Gish Film Theater.Briefly compared to Charlie Chaplin, Langdon creates an odd,
elf-like being in a number of scripts written by Frank Capra. Films featured include "His First
Flame" (1927), "His Marriage Vow" (1925) and "Saturday Afternoon" (1926).Jan Wahl
has said "watching Langdon is like seeing a boy in a man’s body." Wahl will present remarks before
the screening.Pianist Michael Peslikis will accompany the film.The Gish Film Theater’s Sunday Matinees
remembers "The Forgotten Clown: Harry Langdon" Sunday at 3 p.m. in the Gish Film Theater.Briefly
compared to Charlie Chaplin, Langdon creates an odd, elf-like being in a number of scripts written by Frank
Capra. Films featured include "His First Flame" (1927), "His Marriage Vow" (1925) and
"Saturday Afternoon" (1926).Jan Wahl has said "watching Langdon is like seeing a boy in a
man’s body." Wahl will present remarks before the screening.Pianist Michael Peslikis will accompany the