Back Porch Swing Band to play Live in House

The Western swing band Back Porch Swing Band will perform two shows in Wood County this weekend as
part of the Live in the House series.The Ohio-based ensemble will play Saturday at 7:30 p.m. in the
Pemberville Opera House and Sunday at 2 p.m. in the Grand Rapids Town Hall auditorium. Tickets are $10. They
are available in Pemberville at Beeker’s General Store or by calling 419-287-4848 and at the door and in
Grand Rapids at Washer’s Laundromat or by calling 419-832-5664.Back Porch Swing Band combines the talents
of  five veteran musicians who color their swing sound with Appalachian tunes, blues, old-time country and
folk as well as two steps, waltzes, polkas, shaddishs, and square dances.Founded 15 years ago, the band
plays about 60 a year including sternwheeler cruises on the Ohio River; Shaker Woods & Salt Fork
Arts & Crafts festivals; Cincinnati’s Appalachian Fest ; and concerts and dances around the
state.Members of the quintet are: Adam Jackson, fiddle, Kris Geis, lead vocals, Caleb Hutslar, piano, Dave
Irwin, bass, and Pete Shew, vocals and guitar.