Heating aid appointments open today for area residents

Beginning today, area residents who may need assistance paying their heating bills can start
calling for an appointment to submit an application for utility assistance during the winter.The 2013-14
Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program (EHEAP) begins Nov. 1 and appointments to apply for assistance with
heating bills at the WSOS offices are being starting Oct. 21. The programs runs through March 31,
2014.Income limits for this year has changed. This year’s is 175 percent of the federal poverty guideline,
but the amount of assistance per household is the same as last year – $750 for those who use propane – and
no more than $450 depending on electric and heating source for others.EHEAP provides emergency assistance to
income-eligible residents to help them maintain their heating source by making a one-time payment per season
of their heating bills. To receive assistance, a household must meet the income guidelines and have received
a disconnect notice or have less than a 10-day supply of bulk fuel. Income-eligible residents are those who
earn no more than $27,142 for a two-person household or $41,212 for a four-person household, or 175 percent
of the federal poverty guideline.Those who may need assistance but who are not in an emergency situation,
may apply to HEAP, which operates until May 31 and requires incomes no more than 150 percent of the federal
poverty guideline. This means that a household of two should have an annual income of no more than $27,142
or a family of four, no more than $41,212.Call 1-888-441-4327 now for an appointment for aid.