Art delivery (06-20-13)

Randy Bennett drops off his art at the art
galleries at Bowling Green State University last week. He is among the dozens of area artists participating
in NoWOH 6 exhibit, an open art exhibit. An opening reception and award ceremony for the show will be held
Friday from 7 to 9 p.m. in the galleries. The show is open to artists 16 and older living in a dozen Ohio
counties centered around Bowling Green.(Photo: Shane Hughes/Sentinel-Tribune)

Randy Bennett drops off his art at the art galleries at Bowling Green State
University last week. He is among the dozens of area artists participating in NoWOH 6 exhibit, an open art
exhibit. An opening reception and award ceremony for the show will be held Friday from 7 to 9 p.m. in the
galleries. The show is open to artists 16 and older living in a dozen Ohio counties centered around Bowling
Green.(Photo: Shane Hughes/Sentinel-Tribune)