BG art hop set for Friday

First Friday Gallery Hop showcasing Bowling Green’s art venues will take place Friday from 5 to 8
p.m.Exhibits featured on the gallery hop this month include the following.• Akimbo Gallery, 175 N. Main St.,
presents works by the gallery’s resident artists including pottery by Mary Dennis, painting, printmaking and
jewelry by Susan Woodard, raku pottery by Anne Maiden, woodworking by Bud Dennis and metals by Shelly Sabo.•
art-a-site!, 116 S. Main Street, showcases the work of several of the young artists who take classes at the
gallery. This exhibit is in honor of Youth Art Month. Class schedules for children and adults will be
available.• Cafe Havana, 309 S. Main St., features works by artists, Beth Genson and Sarah Bonham.• Grounds
for Thought, 174 S. Main St., presents a photographic montage of the 2012 Black Swamp Arts Festival by The
Gang of 35 photo project.• Studio 14, 125 N. Main St. presents “Medium,” featuring artwork by local and
resident artists. Live tattooing and piercing all day long.• TOAD Gallery, located inside Good to Go, 1220
W. Wooster St., features paintings and sculpture by local artist, CR Hutchings.For information, call (419)