Area Arts Events: 08-30-12

Butterfly miniatures to be exhibited in BG
An exhibit of ink and watercolor images of butterflies by Susan Woodard will be on
display at Akimbo Gallery, 175 N. Main St., from Sept, 7 through Oct. 3. There
will be an opening reception Sept. 7 from 5 to 8 p.m. in conjunction with the
First Friday Gallery Hop. Live traditional Irish music will be provided by
Toraigh an Sonas. Refreshments will be served.
The exhibit will feature miniature format images of butterflies.
"This series started as I sat in my garden watching the monarchs and red
admirals fluttering around my purple coneflowers," notes Woodard. "I
thought I’d just paint a monarch and be done, but the more I looked at different
butterflies, the more I was absolutely awed by their beauty and diversity. This
project quickly turned into a series.
Also, I realized right away that these images had to be miniatures. Butterflies seem
so delicate and fragile that I couldn’t imagine creating an image that seemed
big and muscular."
Also featured in the exhibit are Woodard’s hand-made butterfly feeders.
Akimbo Gallery is open from noon to 5 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday. Call
Record grind to highlight Black Swamp festival acts
The fourth Open Mind Record Grind will be held Sept. 5 at 7:30 p.m. at Grounds for
Thought, 174 S. Main St.
The record grind allows music lovers to share recordings in any format with each
other. This grind will highlight performers who will be performing at the Black
Swamp Arts Festival, Sept. 7 through 9.
Selections by other artists will be welcomed as well.
Perrysburg chorale seeking new voices
PERRYSBURG – Rehearsals for the Perrysburg Symphony Chorale will resume Sept. 10, at
7 p.m. in the sanctuary of First United Methodist Church of Perrysburg, 200 West
Second St.
The chorale’s first concert will be on Nov. 16 and 18 featuring J.S. Bach’s Cantata
118, Brahms’ Nanie. and Lukas’ Requiem.
The ensemble is open to all adult singers. Basses and tenors are especially needed.

‘Toledo Rep casting annual ‘Christmas Carol’
TOLEDO – Auditions for the Toledo Repertoire Theatre’s annual holiday production of
"A Christmas Carol" will be held on Sept. 8 at the Toledo School for
the Arts, 333 14th St.
Adult auditions will be 9 a.m. to noon. Auditions for children will be 1 p.m. to 5
p.m. All those auditioning are asked to prepare a Christmas song. An accompanist
will be provided.
All roles, with the exception of Scrooge, are open.
Under the direction of Debra Ross Calabrese, "A Christmas Carol" will be
presented at the Valentine Theatre Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 and 2.