Charlie Tuna’s vision lives on

Charles “Charlie Tuna” Sittnick (Photo

A Bowling Green night scene tradition continues Saturday when Friends of Tuna stages
a multi-act show at Howard’s Club H.
The show featuring five bands kicks off at 6 p.m.
Organized by Dave Bomeli, Friends of Tuna continues Tuna Fest a show that for many
years was staged by Howard’s bartender "Charlie Tuna" Sittnick.
After Tuna died in June, 2011, Bomeli decided to stage one more Tunafest show, Last
Call, in his honor. Since then people approached him wondering if another would
be in the works. So Friends of Tuna was born.
The $5 admission charge will benefit the Black Swamp Arts Festival. Appropriate since
Tuna loved the festival, said Bomeli.
Bomeli himself has been a central player as main stage manager for the past 16 years.

As with Tuna Fest the lineup emphasizes local talent. The exception is
singer-songwriter Diana Chittester from Lakewood, who he heard when she played a
recent show at Howard’s.
Local glam-girl rockers Kitty Glitter will open the show at 6:30 p.m., followed by
The Joe Baker Band, which includes musicians who have been playing on the BG scene
since they were in high school, will follow.
Bomeli said that Tuna’s brother Vince Sittnick, who recently retired from the U.S.
Army, is planning to attend and sit in on guitar with the Baker band.
Chris MtCastle, a local country rocker and raconteur, will follow with contemporary
rocker Flaming Hot Marbles taking the show out to closing time.
Bomeli said he intentionally booked bands that spanned the generations, with Flaming
Hot Marbles at the end to drive the show home.