Owens presents theater on the go this weekend

Owens Community College students and faculty as well as community members will write,
cast, rehearse and perform seven different plays in a 24-hour time period as the
Center for Fine and Performing Arts, off Oregon Road, Perrysburg Township,
serves as host to the fifth annual "Theatre Express" production,
Friday and Saturday.
The 24-hour theatre event will conclude on Saturday with participants premiering
their work in the Studio Theatre at 7:30 p.m.
The Saturday evening performance as the "Theatre Express" production is
Attendees are encouraged to arrive around 7 p.m. because of limited seating in the
Studio Theatre.
The 24-hour marathon begins Friday when each actor and actress arrives at the Center
for Fine and Performing Arts wearing a unique costume put together from their
own wardrobe. Attendees will also bring a prop that reflects their character’s
personality. Each performer’s photo will then be taken for playwright selection
Seven teams of writers and directors will begin the process of writing and staging a
play based on a yet-to-be-determined theme and topic involving the assigned
three to five actors.
Actors and actresses will meet with the directors at 9 a.m. on Saturday in the Center
for Fine and Performing Arts to rehearse and memorize lines of the
recently-written plays. Final rehearsals will begin at 5:30 p.m. and the actors
and actresses will showcase theatrical talents during the live performance.
The writers will not see their scripts staged until the performances.
Call (567) 661-2798 for more information