Recital to promote Special Olympics

In a mix of muscle and music, a recital of classical songs will serve to increase awareness of the
Special Olympics and its need for volunteers.
Christopher and Ellen Scholl have invited the Special Olympics community to join them for their Bowling
Green State University faculty recital Wednesday at 8 p.m. in Bryan Recital Hall in the Moore Musical
Arts Center on campus
Special Olympics will also be setting up a display in the hall that will showcase their athletes and
provide information about becoming a community volunteer.
The songs on the program will be sung in German and English.
Ellen Scholl will perform a song cycle by Peter Cornelius. Translated the cycle means "Bride
Songs". This cycle tells the story of a woman who wants to be in a relationship and the stages that
lead up to her marriage and the feelings she has shortly after the marriage has begun.
Chris Scholl will sing a group of songs by Richard Strauss. The texts of the three love songs portray
three different perspectives of love.
The couple will come together to give a staged performance Benjamin Britten’s "Canticle II," a
retelling of the story of Isaac and Abraham.
On the second half of the program Ellen Scholl will sing three sacred songs by Ned Rorem and Christopher
Scholl will sing three folk songs arranged by a Cleveland composer named Steven Mark Kohn.
The program will end with five songs by American songwriter and critic Alec Wilder.
The concert is free, but donations to Special Olympics will be accepted.