Farewell to Herringshaw (09-08-11)

Doris Herringshaw greets visitors Dick and Ellen Farison at her retirement open house held Aug. 30 at the
Wood County Extension Office. Herringshaw, 62, retired last week as Wood County’s Ohio State University
Extension educator, a position she held for 33 years. She started in the job right after the Blizzard of
1978. Herringshaw was the 2010 recipient of the prestigious Excellence in Extension Award for the state
of Ohio in December.
(Photo: Enoch Wu/Sentinel-Tribune)

Doris Herringshaw greets visitors Dick and Ellen Farison at her retirement open house held Aug. 30 at the
Wood County Extension Office. Herringshaw, 62, retired last week as Wood County’s Ohio State University
Extension educator, a position she held for 33 years. She started in the job right after the Blizzard of
1978. Herringshaw was the 2010 recipient of the prestigious Excellence in Extension Award for the state
of Ohio in December.
(Photo: Enoch Wu/Sentinel-Tribune)