Owens student filmmaker screens suspense movie

"The Closing Broadcast," a suspense film directed by Owens student Matthew Cooper will be
screened Friday at 8 p.m. at the Owens Community College Center for Fine and Performing Arts’ Mainstage
Theatre, off Oregon Road in Perrysburg Township.
Directed, written and co-produced by Cooper, the 45-minute film tells the story of Jeri Kline and her
adventurous evening as an overnight television news producer. Reports start to come into the newsroom
that Kline’s city and country are under attack by unknown forces.
While trying to gather the facts to the unconfirmed reports, Kline has to overcome several obstacles to
the truth, all while struggling to keep her last truly personal relationship with her boyfriend from
eroding throughout the evening.
"Moviegoers are in for an evening of intense drama," said Cooper, a theatre major at Owens.
"The film focuses a lot on priorities and what is important in a person’s life. If this day were
your last, would you be happy with how you used it?"
Cooper has aspirations of a career in the film industry added: "I couldn’t be more appreciative of
everyone who was involved in making this film. All scenes were filmed in Northwest Ohio and feature
local actors and actresses."
Tickets for the film "The Closing Broadcast" are $10. Call (567) 661-2787 or
The trailer can be seen at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jBiwANIZPI