Senior Briefs: 10-07-11

Alzheimer’s group to meet Oct. 11 in BG
The local Alzheimer’s support group meets on Tuesday at 7 p.m. at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in the
The meeting will feature guest speaker Sue Trumble, from Senior Independence Home Health and Hospice. She
will be conducting a presentation titled "The Winding Road of Dementia – Identifying Needs and
Finding Resources."
Contact Jennifer Van Vorhis at (419) 575-6251 or David Buentine (419) 806-2039 for more information.
Zoo’s Senior Discovery Days continue through October
TOLEDO – The Toledo Zoo’s popular Senior Discovery Days, which started last month, continue all through
October with free admission and special events.
Each Tuesday (Oct. 11, 18 and 25) brings activities including free guided tours of the gardens and
historic buildings to a free big band music concert in the Nairobi Event Pavilion. Each weekday offers
seniors free parking in the Anthony Wayne Trail lot, free f coffee and a mini-muffin in the zoo’s North
Star Trading Post, and seniors-only discounts.
October’s free tours of the Zoo’s Works Progress Administration (WPA) era buildings, including the
Aquarium and Reptile House, begin at 11 a.m. and last 30 to 60 minutes. To reserve a spot on a specific
tour, call (419) 385-5721, ext. 2110. For a schedule of all the activities, visit the website at
The Toledo Zoo is open daily from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and is located on the Anthony Wayne Trail (U.S. 25),
four miles south of downtown Toledo.