Athena, Zeus awards to VanScoder Fahle, Korducki

Pamela Vanscoder Fahle
speaks after receiving the Athena Award during Saturday night’s Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce Annual
Meeting and Dinner Dance in the Bowling Green State University Bowen-Thompson Student Union. (Photos:
Enoch Wu/Sentinel-Tribune)

Pamela VanScoder Fahle received the Athena Award and Stan Korducki received the Zeus Award at Saturday
night’s Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting and Dinner Dance.
The Athena Award is intended to acknowledge and honor "the quiet leader whose efforts add
tremendously to the fabric of the community," while the Zeus Award honors an individual who has
"unselfishly supported, encouraged and promoted professional women to reach their potential in the
community" and contributes time to improving the quality of life in the community.
VanScoder coaches and mentors young people to better employees and connects employers with job candidates
in her job with Adecoo Employment Services.
Away from the job she spends time helping young girls as they begin to establish goals for themselves,
supporting such events as Shadow Day and working with the Exchange Club in its service to youth. She is
also a mentor to international students at Bowling Green State University and with student athletes. She
is active with the BGSU Falcon Club and has organized activities to help families of athletes to get to
know one another.
"Boy, am I shocked," she said. "I thought maybe it was someone I knew from when I worked
at the pool," VanScoder Fahle said, referring to a mention in 2010 recipient Melanie Stretchbery’s
introduction that the recipient was a lifeguard and swim instructor at the City Park pool as a teenager.
After being introduced she was greeted by a large contingent of family members.
VanScoder Fahle has served on boards of Behavioral Connections, Pemberville Village Swimming Pool and
American Red Cross, is active with the chamber, serving as a director and on several committees.

Stan Korducki gives a
hug to his wife Kathy as his children look on.

Korducki is president and CEO of Wood County Hospital. John Fawcett, who received the first Zeus Award a
year ago, described the 2011 winner as "exhibiting the best attributes of coach, mentor, teacher,
leader and cheerleader. Although humble by nature, he has a positive influence on others, quietly and
unobtrusively connecting the dots, forming network opportunities for both men and women, and encouraging
them to develop professionally and independently."
He recently led the hospital through a $42 million expansion project.
Korducki said Bowling Green was not a place that he expected his career to take him as he charted out his
life direction. "But I felt that first day in BG that it was a very special place. The people, the
leaders who have populated my boards. The essence of the community is to do really great things. To be
able to help a little, I’m very humbled and very honored."
He has been involved with the BG Community Development Foundation, Wood County Alcohol Drug Abuse and
Mental Health Services Board, American Cancer Society Board, Kiwanis Club, the chamber and is board
chairman of the Ohio Hospital Association Board of Trustees.