Urban art focus of Owens exhibits

"Urban Signs" an exhibit by nationally recognized artist Amanda Burnham opens today at Owens
Community College’s Walter E. Terhune Art Gallery in the Center for the Fine and Performing Arts, Oregon
Road, Perrysburg Township.
Burnham’s work is also on display in the Library Gallery on Owens’ campus in Findlay.
The artist will give a lecture in Room 111 in the arts center in Perrysburg Township Jan. 20 at 7 p.m.
and a gallery talk Jan. 19 at 5 p.m. in Findlay.
Often working on site, outside or in her car, Burnham reads the landscape for found segments of language
and records the poetics of vacant lots, moveable type signs and billboards with ink and other water
media on paper. The Toledo native then pieces fragments. Her drawing installations expand upon these
explorations, layering and stitching together found visual elements of landscape in conversation with
the site against which they have been displaced, using paint, artificial turf, concrete, sand and trash
directly on the wall.
Her works have been exhibited nationwide. She has been honored with the Individual Artist Award from the
Maryland State Arts Council and the Emerging Educators and Administrators Awards and Fellowship from
ThinkTank 4.
Burnham received a bachelor’s degree in visual and environmental studies from Harvard University and a
master’s degree in painting and printmaking from Yale University. The Baltimore resident has taught in
the Department of Art + Design, Art History, Art Education at Towson University since 2007.