Bradner wants to slow snowmobilers


BRADNER – Council wants an end to speeding snowmobile drivers in town.
During its last meeting, Councilman Cody Roth expressed concern about the situation.
"The speed they’re reaching is getting out of hand," he stated, adding he witnessed one who was
"flying." Alley speeds are 15 miles per hour, but he estimated one snowmobile driver was going
50 mph.
"It takes a few to ruin it for everybody," said Councilman Ron Roth.
Cody Roth said it only takes one time for a driver to pull out of his driveway and not see a speeding
snowmobiler. "Somebody’s going to get hurt," he stressed.
Mayor Virgil Shull Jr. suggested giving the names of snowmobile drivers to the police department for
officers to talk to them.
Police Chief John Chandler said he hoped to be back on duty this week if his doctor releases him to
return to work.
"You can talk to snowmobilers," quipped Shull.
Members hammered out more details they want in the village’s ordinance allowing golf carts to be driven
in town. Councilman Chris Lahman urged requiring safety features like a windshield and turn signals so
"you cover yourself for liability issues."
The ordinance will cover only the driving of golf carts on village streets, not other vehicles.
Acting Chief Chuck Broshious reported he had trouble calling for help when arresting an unruly subject
because the police radios do not work well without a repeater to boost the signal. The problem is the
village’s location and lack of repeater towers, but he said Wayne is trying to get one.
Fire Chief Jim Smith said all of the fire trucks have mobile repeaters in them, and Cody Roth suggested
the police get the same equipment for the cruisers.
The issue will be researched and reported back to council.
Broshious announced Toledo Edison will have a helicopter fly low around town for two weeks, beginning
this week, to take photos which can be used for line trouble shooting. He noted the company has
permission to take the photos and wanted residents to be aware of what was happening.
John Linkey presented information about a 2006-07 digger derrick truck which the Board of Public Affairs
will rent for 30 days from a company in Florida. If the board agrees to buy the truck for $88,705, the
month’s rental cost will be applied to its purchase.
Lahman questioned why the board wanted this truck when it sold its last digger derrick.
Linkey explained the truck which was sold was a 1999 model made by a company that went out of business,
and the truck needed over $8,000 in repairs.
It was noted the cost for a new truck, which both digs holes for new poles and then can install the
poles, is $150,000 to $180,000 new.
Members discussed with Street Commissioner Greg Warden his use of hours to clean village streets. Lahman
expressed concern that there was enough snow on the streets to impede fire and EMS vehicles if they were
called out, but Warden said he was maxed out on his hours.
"I just don’t feel the effort was put in," said Lahman.
"So 22 hours in two days is not effort?" responded Warden. He said there are limits on how many
hours he can drive with his CDL license.
Councilwoman Linda Wildman suggested a schedule be made to divide the snow clearance hours among Warden
and the two drivers who help.
Also during the meeting, council:
¥ Heard the village’s "Garage Sale Days" will be May 6 and 7.
¥ Approved the 2011 fire contract with Scott Township.
¥ Accepted the resignation of Lt. Beth Amos as an EMT/First Responder.
¥ Held an executive session to discuss personnel, after which no action was taken.

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